Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Parents
  2. School Dinners

School Dinners

Lunch Arrangements

The children break for lunch at 11.55am and return to their leaning at 12.50pm. Lower school children go straight into the canteen facilities and eat before going out to play. Upper school go from the classroom to the playground and await to be called in for their lunch as seating becomes available. The transitions are managed by a walkie talkie system. The junior school shares the dining facilities with the Infant School. We have  35 minutes in the dining facilities.

The dining halls and the playground are supervised by the Teaching Assistants to provide continuity in expectations/care.

There are clubs available at different times of the year, both indoors and outdoors to recognise that not all children want to be out on the playground everyday. Staff encourage positive play in zoned areas. 

The children will have a choice of a school meal or a packed lunch from home.

Sandwiches from home

We are a Healthy School and ask that only healthy choices are sent in the children’s lunchboxes. Crisps are only allowed as a treat when we take the children on educational visits, not in their lunch box every day. We ask that parents work with us to encourage healthy eating habits for life. If your child brings in a salad pot or a pasta pot please send in a fork/spoon for them to eat it with. This also applies to yoghurts. We ask the children to return any leftovers to their lunchboxes to bring home so that you can see what they have eaten. Please ensure that your child brings their lunchbox to school with them each morning when they arrive. 

The leaflet below gives ideas for a healthy lunch box.


Our school meals are cooked freshly on site each day and are of a highly nutritious standard designed by Riverside Catering and should  be enjoyed by all children.

There is a 3 week rolling programme of menus (see below).

There is always a meat option, a vegetarian option , a jacket potato option and a sandwich option giving something for everyone. All chicken options are always available using  halal chicken to recognise the diversity of our school.

School lunches cost £2.55 per day and should be paid in advance using our Online Payment System.(Arbor)

These menus conform to the Revised School Food Standards that became law in January 2015. At Riverside Catering, we are committed to helping pupils develop healthy eating habits, and a school lunch provides many vital nutrients and vitamins that your child needs to grow physically and mentally.