Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Inclusion
  2. theLEAF@Herringthorpe


TheLEAF@Herringthorpe is an internal provision that aims to support in the early identification and reduce the potential long term impact of Social and Emotional Mental Health needs of children. This provision plans to reduce or prevent the need for pupils to require an EHCP or place at an alternative setting due to SEMH  barriers. TheLEAF@Herringthorpe provision inspires integration and acceptance; supporting the understanding that behaviour is a form of communication; therefore facilitating opportunities to understand and encourage strategies for children’s emotional regulation through a variety of bespoke interventions.  The LEAF base will provide a short-term haven for children who are struggling to access the mainstream classroom and provide a safe space for pupils needing a programme of interventions to support their individual SEHM needs. 

Our offer is underpinned by six key aims;

  • Allow for early identification and intervention for emerging SEMH concerns.
  • To provide targeted, individualised support to pupils within the school environment.
  • Support pupils in building relationships, communicating needs, and developing self regulation of emotions and behaviour in an acceptable manner.
  • Improve academic outcomes by supporting regulation skills needed for learning.
  • Promotes inclusion by enabling students with SEMH needs to remain in the least restrictive environment and be inclusively integrated into their mainstream classroom following a period of intervention.  
  • Encourage pupils to become citizens of tomorrow, enabling them to develop skills and strategies to be successful members of society.