Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Our School
  2. OFSTED Report



Here is a link to the 2014 Ofsted report:

Herringthorpe Junior School – Ofsted Published July 2014


Dear Parents/ Carers,

I am sure you will all be eager to hear the outcome of our recent Ofsted Inspection and I am delighted to report that we have been judged to be “Outstanding” in all areas! This is a tremendous achievement and one our entire school community truly deserves.

I am thrilled that the inspectors recognised the tireless hard work, commitment and dedication over many years that has made our school the special place it is; and how the school has improved over time because of our relentless drive for excellence. The whole team loves working at our school because it really is a fantastic place to come to, every single day!

The inspectors also stated your children achieve ‘outstandingly well’ and make ‘outstanding progress’, despite varying starting points and additional needs, because teaching is consistently outstanding. Our pupils know ‘how’ to learn and they know that they have to be resilient to achieve well. One reason they can do this is because of the wonderful way in which all our staff forge strong relationships with them, based on trust, respect and empathy.

I am also thrilled that the work of Mrs Forshaw and her team has been acknowledged, once again, as outstanding. We have been uncompromising in the way we keep our children safe and in setting high standards of behaviour. For us outstanding learning goes ‘hand in hand’ with outstanding behaviour, without these boundaries and this level of care in place, we know our children could not learn as they do.

The inspectors also commended our outstanding curriculum and social, moral, spiritual and cultural education, areas which make our school a very special place to learn. Additionally, they said the school environment is ‘superb’ and that learning is fun. Indeed they said they had never seen artwork, such as our children produce, in any school, ever! This is because we have always held fast to our belief in the arts, ICT, sport and enterprise as vehicles for learning, because we know this is how children learn best.

It has been a privilege to be the Head Teacher at Herringthorpe Junior over the last ten years and to be able to build such an amazing team. Indeed it is a very special place because of everyone who is a part of it and everyone rises to my challenge that there can be no compromise with children’s lives.  So, although we might have a ‘little rest’ over the summer, our “outstanding” judgement will not bring complacency and we will continue to be the best we can be.  I know you will agree when I say the outstanding outcome across all areas is the highest of accolades and I hope you will share in celebrating our success and be as proud of our brilliant school as I am; it really is a team effort; children, staff, parents, governors and we know we really do ‘engage hearts and minds in the joy of learning’.

Thank you for your continued support,

Inspection judgements
Overall effectiveness: Outstanding 
Achievement of pupils: Outstanding 
Quality of teaching: Outstanding 
Leadership and management: Outstanding 
Behaviour and safety of pupils: Outstanding