Herringthorpe Junior School

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Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Parents
  2. Behaviour


Behaviour Expectations

At Willow Tree Academy we believe that every member of our school community should have an equal opportunity to achieve his or her full potential regardless of race, colour, gender, disability, special educational needs or socio- economic background. We believe that it is the right of all our pupils to be educated in an environment free from disruption by others.

The school embraces Restorative Practice (RP) as a means of empowering teachers to be successful and effective practitioners within their classroom, raising standards and achievement across the school and developing aspirational, motivated and responsible pupils.  We encourage all children to try their best to achieve their goals. It is the responsibility of all staff and pupils to uphold and maintain our school expectations, which all children know and understand.

We use specific questions to try and unpick  incidents that have happened:

To respond to those with challenging behaviour:

1. What happened?

2. What were you thinking about at the time?

3. What have your thoughts been since?

4. Who has been affected by what you did?

To help those harmed by others actions VICTIM:

1. What did you think when you realised what had happened?

2. What have your thoughts been since?

3. How has this affected you and others?

4. What has been the hardest thing for you?

For further information on Restorative Practice please see our Restorative Practice page.




Our House System

We pride ourselves in teaching our children to take responsibility for themselves and for the wider life of the school. We have elected Heads of House and Prefects who have roles and responsibilities for their house and the school.

Each child is assigned to a house and each team works together to gain House Points. On a Friday we announce the house with the most points collected that week. At the end of the school year the house with the most points is treated to a special event to celebrate their achievements.






We expect and encourage good behaviour and self-discipline from all pupils in Herringthorpe. These are to be the dojo categories across the academy:

Positive dojos are awarded for:

  • Complete home learning—1 for each day of reading plus 1 for each home learning piece of work.
  • Contributing ideas in class -hand up, offering ideas. There is an expectation that children will do this routinely. This is to be used for if a child has made an exceptional contribution or for a child who is normally passive but has made a noticeable effort.
  • Contributing to wider school—representing school at events out of school – sporting events, one voice etc positive feedback from out of school activities such as dancing/football.
  • Taking care— Covers all our core values – of each other, of equipment, being considerate, thoughtful, being a good role model,  being courteous, showing kindness to others, being thoughtful. These are expectations of all our children, all of the time. This dojo should be awarded when a child goes above and beyond. Things like supporting a friend if they are hurt/upset.

Special  5 can be awarded for

  • Exceptional child led home learning.
  • Weekly presentation— Each staff will award a special 5 to one child each week who has shown consistent good presentation skills or shown significant improvement.

Negative dojos are given for:

  • Disruptive behaviour – 1 warning then a dojo. Speaking when the teacher is speaking, disrespecting equipment, disrupting others, being disrespectful to adults.
  • Incomplete home learning – Reading is separate. If a child reads 5 times they will get 5 positive dojos but if they have failed to complete their numeracy piece they will receive a negative.
  • Incorrect uniform –If a child arrives at school with incorrect uniform, the children will receive a warning to rectify for the next morning we will send a text home so that parents can make the necessary change—next day a dojo will be given if no change or contact from a parent.
  • Unprepared for Learning—this includes no PE Kit and school equipment such as Homework diary or books.
  • Poor playground behaviour – 1 warning then dojo – e.g inappropriate use of equipment, rough play, fighting and continuing to play games that are not allowed.

The system is fair for all children.

How Dojo works


In class or at break times children can earn positive dojos for following the school rules.  These will then be displayed on the interactive whiteboard in class for everyone to see.  Alternatively, if children do not follow school expectations then they will receive a negative dojo.At the end of each week, the class dojo winner will receive a golden shield.

Getting involved with your child’s Dojos.

At the beginning of each year, parents will be sent an individual log on to allow them to view and track their child’s Dojos. We would love all parents to sign up and see how well your child is doing.

Removal of privileges


If a child is at below 85% positive dojos and less than 90% attendance (unless they have a confirmed medical condition which has led to lots of appointments) they will not be included in the “treats” at the end of each term e.g. the discos, Y6 prom, End of year House treat or any activity that is not curriculum based.

Persistent problems at lunchtime may result in you being asked to take your child home at lunchtime. If an incident is deemed serious, a fixed term exclusion may be imposed.

Thank you for your continued support.

Please contact Mrs Forshaw Behaviour for Learning Leader if you have any concerns or queries.


Find our Positive Behaviour policy here.

Behaviour of parents, carers and visitors

As members of our school community, we expect parents/carers and visitors to:

  • Respect the ethos of our school.
  • Understand that both teachers and parents need to work together for the benefit of the children.
  • Treat all other members of the school community with respect and therefore be positive role models.
  • Correct their own child’s behaviour especially in public where it could otherwise lead to conflict, aggressive behaviour or unsafe behaviour.
  • Approach the school in an appropriate and timely manner to help resolve any issues of concern.
  • Support the school with regards Home Learning and their child’s well-being.
  • Support the school’s Positive Behaviour Policy

Social Media can be fun, interesting and keeps us connected but it can also be misused. We ask that you use common sense when discussing school life online and always think before you post.

In the event of any parent/carer or visitor of the school breaks our code of conduct then proportionate actions will be taken.