Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

At WILLOW TREE Academy we have designed a curriculum that ensures a profound primary experience for all our pupils. This is underpinned by a spiritual, moral, social and cultural education that encourages personal growth and a development of core British Values in our children. Our curriculum engages and enthuses them through first hand-experiences. It is well planned to build knowledge and skills in a continuous and progressive way.

Willow Tree schools maintain a relentless and rigorous focus on raising standards through the learning skills curriculum also, which is explicitly taught so that these skills can be applied to gain knowledge and understanding across a wide range of subjects. 

Our schools operate the same creative and vibrant, cross-curricular approach which aims to give every child the opportunity to fulfil their potential.  First-hand experiences are fundamental to our Cultural Offer and this defines the high expectations we have within our planning; ensuring connections that are coherent and manageable are made across the primary curriculum. 

We are totally committed to providing memorable experiences that last a lifetime.

1. Aims

  • At Willow Tree Academy we believe in providing children with opportunities to have a positive impact on the world at a local, national and global level.  
  • We believe that all children’s talents should be recognised, encouraged and celebrated both in and out of school.  
  • We aim to teach children to develop an acceptance and understanding of others within the multi-cultural society in which we live. 
  • We want all children to develop high aspirations for themselves, developing their thinking and reasoning skills and being able to communicate effectively.  
  • To enable this we will provide all children with a vibrant and engaging curriculum and through the teaching of relevant, stimulating topics. 
  • We want to develop children as confident, independent individuals that enable them to become responsible citizens who are environmentally aware of their world.
  • We will design our NEMESIS projects with this offer in mind, so that children can understand their rights and responsibilities and become social changemakers of tomorrow.

We are proud that our schools are centres of excellence for Enterprise, Sport, the Arts and ICT; these all have equal status in our desire to educate the whole child. This is because Willow Tree schools are non-selective, learning communities that value the abilities our children bring and their many achievements. Recognising the entitlement of all pupils to a creative, cohesive curriculum, reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive.

Willow Tree schools promote the behaviour and attitudes that enable learning within a curriculum that ensures academic success, creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health. These are the key elements that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning.

Our curriculum also celebrates the diversity of our pupils and utilises the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of the community.