The School Day
The school day begins at 7:30am for pupils wishing to join our breakfast club provision.
Pupils meet on the playground from 8:40am. Doors open at 8:45am where pupils make their way into school through the children's entrance.
Registration begins at 8:50am, during which pupils have a morning maths activity to complete.
Although the timings for year groups vary, each morning session will consist of morning work and registration, a Maths, Literacy Skills and Literacy lesson and a break of 15 minutes.
Pupils in each year group have 55 minutes break for lunch, which includes time for physical activity either on the yard or an organised club. Indoor provision is also available for those pupils who would benefit from it.
Afternoons begin with registration and a whole class reading session. Afternoon lessons cover our ambitious bespoke curriculum.
The school day finishes at 3:05pm for all pupils.
Monday assemblies cover international and national significant events, anniversaries and significant figures; focus on the School Core Values and Fundamental British Values or are based around curriculum objectives.
Thursday assemblies are for singing.
Friday assemblies are a celebration of the learning and achievements of the children.
Clubs and Lunchtime Groups
At lunchtime there are sports and other clubs on offer throughout the year.
After school clubs run throughout the year- some are provide freely by school staff whilst others from outside providers.
After school boosters run for Y6 pupils to support them preparing for the national tests during the Spring term.