Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Parents
  2. Medicines In School

Medicines In School

Medication in school

If possible a child’s medication should be administered outside the course of the school day. However, for some children it may be necessary for them to bring medication to school. If the timing of the medication is essential during the course of the school day, it is essential that it should be brought to school in it packaging with the prescription label on as we will only administer prescribed medication in school.

Medication should be brought to the school office by an adult where they will be asked to fill in a medication administration form giving clear instructions as to the name of the child, name of medication, the dosage and how it is to be given. By signing this form, you are giving us your permission to administer the medicine. Under no circumstances should children bring their own medicine to school and it should not be placed into their bags where other children can get access to it.

You will also need to inform your child’s class teacher of their need to have medication. They will then be taken to the office for the administration by one of our approved administrators.

Asthma inhalers are exempt from this procedure and are the only medication which should be kept in class.

Illness whilst at school.
Parents/carers of children who become unwell at school or have had an accident will be contacted. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to make arrangements for ill children by collecting them and taking them home, to the doctor or to the hospital. It is important, therefore, that school has access not only to home telephone numbers, but work numbers and other emergency contact numbers such as those of relatives, and that these are correct and up to date. We would be grateful, therefore, if any circumstances or telephone numbers alter, that we are informed.

Some illnesses require your child to be kept away from school for a specific period of time to prevent the spread of infection. For information on if your child can attend school with and illness or how long before they may return, please see the Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings.


For more detailed information, please contact the school office by phone. Our Policy on Administering Medication at School can be found on our policy page.