Herringthorpe Junior School

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Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Curriculum
  2. Personal Development

What is personal development?

A wide range of additional opportunities enrich the learning opportunities which are taught through and in addition to the National Curriculum. At Herringthorpe Junior School, we interweave character building and the upholding of British values throughout every element of the curriculum and school experience, recognising that individual differences should be valued. We empower pupils to be resilient, reflective, to have empathy and respect for one another. Collaborative projects across school nurture teamwork, accountability, and conflict resolution skills. We foster resilience by encouraging students to learn from mistakes in a supportive environment.

Through our taught curriculum for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), we teach pupils to recognise and manage online and offline risks. Pupils learn to protect their wellbeing, evaluate risks, and access help when needed. We teach them about healthy relationships and that harassment of any kind is not tolerated. Our personal development curriculum supports pupils to be ready for their next stage in education, it weaves its way through every part of what we do at Herringthorpe.

Our Cultural Offer

Our curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum and includes a wide range of experiences and opportunities within and beyond the school day. Within our profound experience offer we aim to provide our children with a wide range of cultural experience that will prepare and inspire for their future. This includes museum visits, residential visits and many extra curricular activities. See here for the Willow Tree Cultural Offer.

  NEMESIS education 

NEMESIS stands for “Novel Educational Model Enabling Social Innovation Skills”..  NEMESIS represents a new approach towards the attainment of social innovation skills by combining innovative learning models, open technologies, and participatory relations and processes. The objective is to foster entrepreneurial mindsets and creative thinking among primary and secondary students, allowing them to become the social innovators of tomorrow. Through NEMESIS projects we aim to develop an understanding in our pupils that they can be an important part of their community, both small and wide.

Extra Curricular clubs

All our clubs are run by either teachers, support staff or coaches who have a passion to inspire pupils and help them develop new skills. Our program is a broad offer and includes sports, art, music, computing and many more, we aim to have a club for everyone.

Residential visits

Residential visits in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 build children’s independence and provide opportunities for learning within different contexts and settings. Beginning with a single-night adventure in Year 3, residentials incrementally extend to a 4-night stay for our Year 6 pupils. These residentials encourage and support pupil’s development of resilience and independence as children take part in hands-on activities immersed in unique settings which complement and bring the taught curriculum to life in order to deepen understanding and offer long lasting memories. Equally important life lessons naturally emerge through group problem-solving, navigating new environments, and managing daily responsibilities together.


Visits take place throughout the school year, in all year groups linked to our learning and topics. If appropriate we also invite external speakers to deliver talks and workshops to enhance further the learning that is happening within the classroom.

Children’s University

We celebrate participation in extra curricular clubs through Children’s University. All pupils have an individual account where they can log extra curricular activities they are involved in. We are also able to celebrate participation in visits, residentials and many of our 'cultural offer' activities throughout the year through Children’s University.

Library boxes

A specialist library service equips us with books and resources, including artefacts, matched to our curriculum to help pupils develop a love of reading and enrich their interest in taught subjects, including History and Geography. Utilising this service enables pupils to develop a sense of awe and wonder, as well as deepen their natural curiosity around areas of interest within the curriculum.

Assembly programme

A programme of assemblies based on our values-based ethos helps to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and provide clear guidance for pupils on how to grow up to be the best person they can possibly be. As well as the values assemblies, each term pupils also take part in:

  • Picture news assemblies - focused on topical news bulletins, intended to capture pupil’s opinions, spark healthy debate and consider their view of issues in the wider world, preparing them for later life.
  • Safeguarding assemblies
  • Music performance assemblies - showcasing commitment to learning within our music curriculum, as well as embracing and celebrating a love of music.
  • Special mentions assemblies - celebrating successes weekly through sharing of outstanding learning and placing pupil’s individual achievement at the centre of what we do.
  • Themed assemblies such as Harvest, Christingle, Eid - demonstrating our learning in Religious Education, whilst showcasing and embracing our diversity.

PE & Sport competition and healthy lifestyles

We provide pupils with  a wide range of PE & Sport opportunities beyond the school day. Through our sports teams pupils compete in a range of competitions, sports festivals and local cluster fixtures. After school clubs such as Netball, Tag Rugby, Football, Cricket further provide opportunities for pupils to develop sporting skills, healthy lifestyle and positive attitudes.


Pupils take part in a wide range of musical activities beyond the National Curriculum. Over 180 pupils in Years 3 -4 learn to play a musical instrument.  We also offer opportunities for peripatetic teaching to pupils who wish to develop their musical education further. Pupils in the choir take part in an annual Young Voices concert at Sheffield Arena. Those who are learning a musical instrument, or sing are asked to perform in our regular music assemblies, showcasing their talent. 

Pupils as Leaders

Pupils have many opportunities to become a leader in school. These include elected Class Councilor, Y6 Heads of House and prefects, Willow Tree Warriors (internet safety), Restorative Practice reps, lunchtime  librarians, Happiness Heroes and sports leaders.