Herringthorpe Junior School

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Chatterton Drive, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 2JW


01709 828168

Herringthorpe Junior School

Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning

  1. Our School
  2. Headteachers Welcome

Headteachers Welcome     


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website. 

We are very proud of our children and their achievements at Herringthorpe Junior School and we know that this is one way we can share them with you.

‘Engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning’ is at the heart of all that we do and we are fortunate to have such an incredibly talented team who ensure our children have the very best education possible. They all offer great commitment to our children and to the community of Herringthorpe.

Our multicultural school is built on the British Values of respect and empathy. Teamwork, creativity, taking responsibility, and enabling a high sense of personal self-esteem are just some of the qualities that we aim to develop in our children. Through our Restorative Practice approach, we enable your children to care for each other and to learn and play together well. 

Each year our school goes from strength to strength as we strive for every single child at our school to have a world-class education. An education that instils care, exemplary behaviour, inspires academic curiosity and a life-long interest in the wider world - everyday is special and no time can be wasted in the pursuit of excellence. Our teachers lead by example; inspiring our young people to learn through a knowledge-rich curriculum and the experiences we create for them inside and outside of the classroom.


Our children are encouraged to be thoughtful and reflective and to understand their place in the world and to set themselves high standards. We also encourage  our children to adopt a positive mind-set and use determination and perseverance to overcome challenges and take pride in all that they do and achieve.

In order for us to be successful in all of this we value working in partnership with our families. You are the first and foremost educators of your children and we appreciate your support and time with Home Learning and most importantly, helping your child to read at home. Thank You!

For all the very latest news, events, calendar dates and further information about our school, please visit other pages on this website, and don’t forget to follow our Twitter account. The best way to find out about our school is to come and see for yourself. Our doors are always open, and we would be delighted to share our experience and time with you.



Welcome to our school, enjoy our website! 

          Mrs Mandy Adams